Having a conversation with ChatGPT and asking dumb questions , 2025, oil on polycotton, 137cm x 198cm

Having a conversation with ChatGPT and asking dumb questions, 2025, oil on polycotton, 137cm x 198cm

  Maybe poking my eye will make everything better , 2025, oil on polycotton, 150cm x 180cm

Maybe poking my eye will make everything better, 2025, oil on polycotton, 150cm x 180cm

  If I can’t hear you are you really talking to me? , 2025, oil on polycotton, 150cm x 180cm

If I can’t hear you are you really talking to me?, 2025, oil on polycotton, 150cm x 180cm

  I hate this but I’m watching anyway,  2025, oil on polycotton, 137cm x 198cm

I hate this but I’m watching anyway, 2025, oil on polycotton, 137cm x 198cm

  Half asleep , 2025, oil on polycotton, 122cm x 165cm

Half asleep, 2025, oil on polycotton, 122cm x 165cm

  Having a conversation with ChatGPT and asking dumb questions , 2025, oil on polycotton, 137cm x 198cm
  Maybe poking my eye will make everything better , 2025, oil on polycotton, 150cm x 180cm
  If I can’t hear you are you really talking to me? , 2025, oil on polycotton, 150cm x 180cm
  I hate this but I’m watching anyway,  2025, oil on polycotton, 137cm x 198cm
  Half asleep , 2025, oil on polycotton, 122cm x 165cm

Having a conversation with ChatGPT and asking dumb questions, 2025, oil on polycotton, 137cm x 198cm

Maybe poking my eye will make everything better, 2025, oil on polycotton, 150cm x 180cm

If I can’t hear you are you really talking to me?, 2025, oil on polycotton, 150cm x 180cm

I hate this but I’m watching anyway, 2025, oil on polycotton, 137cm x 198cm

Half asleep, 2025, oil on polycotton, 122cm x 165cm

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